Monday, February 2, 2009

January's epic failure, or, how I should never have resolved this in the first place

You know how I said that I resolved to read one non-fiction book per month?

You know what I'm about to tell you, right? That I'm not even halfway done with my book for January and it's February 2nd already?

I guess I could read two non-fiction books in February to salvage things. But that seems disingenuous somehow.

I'm kind of disappointed, but the truth is that I set myself up for failure. I should've started the month with the non-fiction book so that I had plenty of time to finish it.

In other news, I went on an awesome vacation that I plan to tell you about shortly.

1 comment:

PumaViking said...

i figure a resolution is a goal. sometimes you'll make it; sometimes not. it's not epic failure just because you miss on the first try. it's just a miss. that's what the year is for! :)