Thursday, February 26, 2009

In which Mrs. Dude discusses exercise

I hate "working out." I have never been athletically inclined, and I'm clumsy. Moreover, I would rather read a book or watch TV than go to the gym or play sports.

I like walking MollyB, my dog, but I feel like that doesn't count. I can't not walk her. I mean, I could, but I don't want to end up on an episode of Animal Cops or anything.

I am in the process of trying to lose weight though exercise and eating well. As a result, I go out to eat less and cook and exercise more.

To fulfill the "exercise" part of the plan, I choose to go to a gym.

I sometimes feel bad about it, since I could save money and just go running in my neighborhood instead of going to the gym and jogging on a treadmill.

Remember how I told you I would rather watch TV than exercise?

My dirty secret is that all of the cardio equipment in the gym I go to has TVs attached to them. And the TVs all have cable.

It feels sort of strange to go to the gym and watch TV. But it's the only way I can motivate my lazy self to exercise.

So 3 times per week I go to the gym, plug into a TV, and jog.

I've been doing the Couch to 5K program. It's a 9-week program, but I've been working on it for a year. I guess that tells you everything you need to know about my level of commitment.

I recently switched to exercising in the morning. My gym is overrun in the evening and I hate waiting to use a treadmill. It makes me not want to exercise, and I have a hard enough time getting to the gym without this extra layer of soul crushing complication.

It turns out that the majority of people who go to my gym don't want to get up early to work out. The place is dead in the morning--even less busy than when I've been there on a Friday night. It tells you something when more people would rather work out on a Friday night than get up early, right?

The moral of my story is this: if I can get up early and exercise, you can fit 30 minutes of physical activity into your day. Park far away from the store you're shopping in. Go for a walk with your dog or your kids or, alternately, to get away from your dog or your kids. Find a trail and go for a ride on your bike. Start a recreational kickball team. Go dancing.

Joining a gym isn't necessary to be successful. You might want to do it, but you don't have to.

Just choose to be active.

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