Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Profiles in courage: Nie Nie Dialogues

I'll admit it: I came late to the party. I didn't know that Nie Nie Dialogues existed until I saw the "I read Nie Nie" patch on AnonymousK's blog.

I told y'all the other day about my love of blogs whose authors "keep it real." Nie Nie is the queen of Keep it Real-ville.

She's a wife and mother of four kids. She struggles with the same things that all women struggle with, only she seems to do it without breaking a sweat. It's not that these things come effortlessly to her so much as it's that she finds joy in it--even the messy, broken parts. She loves her life and exudes the kind of happiness that comes with true contentment.

In August, Nie Nie and her beloved Mr. Nielson were in a plane crash.

Now Nie Nie navigates marriage, motherhood, and the burn unit. And remarkably, even in the face of adversity, she still exudes joy.

Nie Nie's blog a well-written, compelling story about finding contentment wherever you are. Her blog challenges me to live authentically and to find joy in the midst of manure.

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