Wednesday, May 21, 2008

From The Shamless Plug Department

Did you know that The Dude wrote a book?

He did.

It's finally seeing the light of day and I couldn't be prouder.

I watched him through the entire process. I saw him struggle and grow until he produced this amazing labor of love.

He always seemed excited to interview the players, no matter how overwhelmed he felt on any given day.

He was persistent, even when he was tired of writing.

He and Beatrice, our 15-pound calico cat who is madly in love with him, burned many a midnight oil as he crafted chapter after chapter and story after story.

And, at the end of it, he seemed pleased with his work and as in love with the stories as he was the day he started it.

This isn't so much a shameless plug to buy the book (though, you should do that if you want to) as it is a shameless plug for The Dude.

He is certainly one of Mrs. Dude's favoritest things...

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